Wednesday, March 7, 2012

They draw and cook book

El año pasado, por casualidad, me topé con este libro increible, en seguida supe que TENIA que tenerlo, así que lo compré. Un click y en pocos días lo tenía en casa. Cada día me deleito con las recetas y lña forma ceativa en que los ilustraciones. Ampliamente recomendable, es para mirarlo y re mirarlo muchas veces. 
La presentación también es excelente, tapas duras, buen papel y calidad de impresión, aparte me encanta el formato apaisado que tiene. Si quieren saber un poco más de lo que se trata vayan a la página de They Draw and Cook
Así que basicamente este libro dos las cosas que más disfruto hacer: dibujar y cocinar!
Last year, quite by chance, I ran into this amazing book, right away I knew I just HAD to have it. So I just bought it. One click and in a few days I had it home. Each day I absolutely enjoy myself with the recipes and the gorgeous and creative ways artists have found to depict them. I widely recommend it, a book to look over and over again.
The presentation is excelent as well, hard cover, good quality paper and print, and I absolutely love the fact that its a "horizontal" book. If you wish to know a bit more what it is about, just browse thru the They draw and cook site.
So basically this book blends two of the things I enjoy most: drawing and cooking!

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